Monday, 25 September 2023 06:22

House officers’ knowledge, attitude and practice of Covid-19 infection at Thamar University Al-Wahdah Teaching Hospital, Yemen Featured

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Adel A. Amran, Mohammed A. Al-Kholani , Abdulelah H. Al-Adhroey, Abdulsalam M. AL- Mekdad, Farrah Shafeera , Abdulmajeed G. Ahmed, Abd Al-Rhman M. Al- Hasmani, Abeer M. Al-Suwaidi, Adel A. Al-Gishary, Roquiah A. Al-Jarfi, Saif S. Al-Rumishi


Background: House officers' (HOs) adherence to fight COVID-19 is essential, especially after declaration of World Health Organization that COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) towards COVID-19 among HOs at Thamar University Al-Wahdah Teaching Hospital (TUWTH), Yemen.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey, using a structured questionnaire, was carried out on 90 HOs. The survey was designed to evaluate the KAP towards COVID-19.

Results: The findings indicated that about more than two third of the participants had good level of knowledge  and positive attitudes regarding COVID-19 pandemic (68.9%, and  67.8%, respectively). Similarly,  about two third (63.3%) had good  practices  towards COVID-19.

Conclusion: Most of HOs had good knowledge , a positive attitudes and good  practices toward COVID-19. However, this was less than we hope for their essential role in this pandemic. The results highlight the importance of consistent messaging from HOs to the faculty medicine staffs   as we recommend continuous educational programs for house officers to be one of the first lines for COVID-19 fighting or any newly pandemic disease.


Keywords: House officers, Covid-19 infection, Dhamar, Yemen.


Adel A. Amran1*, Mohammed A. Al-Kholani2 , Abdulelah H. Al-Adhroey2, Abdulsalam M. AL- Mekdad3, Farrah Shafeera4 , Abdulmajeed G. Ahmed1, Abd Al-Rhman M. Al- Hasmani1, Abeer M. Al-Suwaidi1, Adel A. Al-Gishary1, Roquiah A. Al-Jarfi1, Saif S. Al-Rumishi1    

1 Department of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen
2 Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen
3 Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen
4Department of Basic Sciences , Faculty of Health Sciences , Universiti of Teknologi , MARA, Malaysia
*For Correspondence:
Adel A. Amran
Department of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Thamar University, Dhamar, Yemen
Tel: +967772528409;
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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